Twój stary pojazd nie jest Ci już potrzebny?

Chętnie go od Ciebie odkupimy. Oferujemy korzystne warunki współpracy w zakresie skupu pojazdów użytkowych.


Szukasz niezawodnego pojazdu użytkowego?

Koniecznie poznaj naszą ofertę używanych pojadów ciężarowych. Zapewniamy korzystne warunki finansowe oraz bogatą ofertę pojazdów.


Posiadamy nowoczesny i profesjonalny sprzęt niskopodwoziowy

Oferujemy szybki i bezpieczny transport niskopodowoziowy na terenie całej Unii Europejskiej. Sprawdź koniecznie


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You are buying or selling — You are in the right place!

B&B Trucks company is the guarantee of a successful transaction of purchase-sale


Cooperating with our company You are sure that all transactions will be done in afast, efficient and trouble-free way.


Many years of experienced in the industry puts us in a leading position. We know exactly what to do to ensure the success of each transaction.

Speed of action

We don't I ose time on unnecessary actions. All formalities are done without delay in order to save our shared — precious time.


We can't promise You everything, but we will do our best in order to adjust to Your personalized needs.

Young, acting dynamically company

We deal with import and export of commercial vehicles. We cooperate with clients from Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe and from the beginning of our activity we also develop successively the cooperati on with cl ients f rom Arab Countries and from Africa and Asia.


Are You interested in our offer?

It is necessary that You contact us or leave us Your phone number and we will call back.

Contact Us